Can't fwd if (dest'n email adrs == my CF acct adrs)

Email > Email Routing works but refuses to accept my primary email address which is the address associated with my CF account. I have a free account and my domain should be 100% away from GoDaddy well before December 5th. Is there a simple workaround? Or should I change my CF email address? Create and Continue clears my email adrs and says I can't leave the adrs blank. I was expecting zzz@MyDomain to fwd to my primary email.
6 Replies
zegevlier16mo ago
So you are on this page, and can enter the information in all fields, but when you click Save it the email in the destination field disappears? When you enter an email there, you should see something that says "Loading..." for a second, then has the same email you just entered. If you click that box with the email in it, does it work then?
No description
MikeKayeOP16mo ago
It does that when the destination is not my CF addrs. The destination address clears when I have destination = my CF adrs and then I get error for missing destination. SORRY I have to take a break for ~45 minutes. I'M BACK
zegevlier16mo ago
That's really odd. For me it works fine when I use my account's primary email. Perhaps the issue is with the email address? Is there anything special with it, like special characters or a IDN domain or something?
MikeKayeOP16mo ago
Perhaps after GoDaddy fully releases mu domain. I will post here ok or no-go to let you know.
zegevlier16mo ago
What GoDaddy doesn't shouldn't really matter here. If you're okay with it, feel free to direct message me the email so I can have a look.
MikeKayeOP16mo ago
Sometime on Monday I'm expecting email from GoDaddy saying they have released my domain to CF. I will let you know when I get that email. CF now has my domain I still can't use my CF email to fwd some_adrs@myDomain to my CF email address. Problem resolved with a few DNS updates

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