403 Responses for some of the users
Hiya, I have noticed some of my clients in my website (that msgd me and told me) are receiving error 403 on some requests in the website. It is not for all clients, it happens only to some of them, half of the website works but the other half of the website does not work. Looking at the HAR file they sent me.
Any idea what it could be? is there a place I can see logs on why it happened in cloudflarE?

1 Reply
@Leo They all have "challenge", but I literally saw the guy having a challenge when he opened the website and it passed it.
I have the endpoint www.coinscan.com where everything seems to return to him properly, but the api.coinscan.com seems to return mitigated
Okay it's users from Nigeria, but I know they are legit, what can I possibly do about it?
So www got a clearance, but the api.example didnt get a clearance, what is the possible solution for that :((