is this an overrated or essential read book?

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4 Replies
Bigelow15mo ago
Not even one mention of Rick Owens. Pass
baek15mo ago
Reading some goodreads reviews and found a mention of mfa, lol!
The book is largely a “rule book” and offers some suggestions on how to choose colors for your skin, how to emphasize your head (?!) by shaping the padding on the shoulder, and the likes. However, it provided nothing new or more helpful than my two years of reading menswear blogs on the internet and the disturbingly over-zealous comment section of r/malefashionadvice.
sagesuede15mo ago
I started reading it a few days ago and I'm finding it both informative and entertaining. It's true that if you read menswear forums you won't find here many things that will surprise you, but if you enjoy reading about clothes this is a very good option, as it is quite well written. Have you read Bruce Boyer's True Style? "disturbingly over-zealous comment section"... I love this.
Küther15mo ago
Only a good read for menswear, not fashion. If you are interested in menswear it's pretty good, but imo the chapter about complexion is super overrated and the pictures don't show what he wants to say.

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