Patching the kernel
Hi all, I'm looking for some instruction on patching a the linux kernel with the recent commits to the kernel in SteamOS so that I can run the firmware for the Qualcomm chip and actually get wifi running on my steamdeck (while using Ubuntu). Any advice?
19 Replies
These are the commits for the patch. Thanks to @KyleGospo
Super User
How do I apply a patch to my Linux kernel?
I am trying to compile the iscsi-target software SCST. It wants me to apply a patch to my Linux kernel in order to allow for certain performance gains. The problem is I still new to Linux developme...

kyle already answered this to you here i believe
also kernel live patching is something completely different from applying patches to the kernel. Kernel live patching is the ability to update the kernel with a new minor update without rebooting.
also this is where you ask for help with bazzite, not ubuntu 😅
Technically, Ill be installing bazzite
I just don't know the Bazzite OS yet because im not familiar ith it
But ill be putting bazzit on my steamdeck , attempting to get the wifi modules to work with the new kernel patch
ah if you want to patch the kernel in bazzite i believe you will have to build your own custom image
im just so unfamliar with the kernel that Im kind of dumping stuff in the thread to reference later
easiest thing would be to just wait for the patches to get merged into bazzite stable/main
that seems worse than just doing a kernel patch i nubuntu
how hard is it to make a bazzite image?
things tend to go rather fast around here
I feel the speed
Introduction - Universal Blue
Custom Operating System images based on Fedora
dont ask me about kernel patching itself though as i have never had the need for it as i am not that impatient when there is a system that works and i know the work is on the way to get it working on the system i want to use
im mostly interested in patching because I've never even looked at kernel code before
It would be nice to see how the source code lookds under the hood and maybe be able to associae that with live functionality
i just wish linux wasn't such a struggle
I've been in my Linux affair for nearly two years now, lol
learend so much, but at a cost to my health, XD
staying up till 3 am reading docs is not good for you
ill probably be off in a minute
I just love that steamdeck is getting me back into the trenches. I was getting a bit too complacent on my Dell PC with ubuntu working just perfectly
well making the custom image itself is not hard, i got mine up and working in maybe 10 minutes, but the changes i needed were super minimal (delete 1 file, add 2 files?)
oh, care to describe it in more detail?
So you can make a custom OS?
literally everything here
you take 1 ublue image as a base, and then build it from there by adding your changes, building/compiling and such is automatic and done using github actions
Introduction - Universal Blue
Custom Operating System images based on Fedora