NavBar with flex not working

I have a problem with getting my navigation bar working for large screen sizes. I have tried several different things and still not working. Any suggestions would be much appreciated. Thanks!
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8 Replies
Kasenom15mo ago
Hello Andrew! I'm also learning so here's my shot at it. So at the end where you have a media query with the min height of 992px, inside of the query you need to add apply display: flex to your main__navbar--list.
.main__navbar--list {
display: flex;
align-items: flex-end;
.main__navbar--list {
display: flex;
align-items: flex-end;
here's what I added, and this is the result.
No description
AndrewOP15mo ago
Thank you for your help!! I did what you mentioned but it does not seem to work for me.
clevermissfox15mo ago
Min-height or min-width? What do you want it to look like on large screens? Can you screenshot what you’re seeing and let us know what you want it to do?
Kasenom15mo ago
woops yes you're right it's this one @media (min-width: 992px) {
AndrewOP15mo ago
No description
clevermissfox15mo ago
Ah yes you’ll need a row directly on the ul or div that’s holding the page titles , so @Kasenom is right about needing flex Make sure your media query is using min-width not height
AndrewOP15mo ago
I have @media (min-width: 992px) The nav is still not horizontal Thanks all for your help!
clevermissfox15mo ago
In your css, you have the selector .main-nav--list and in your html, its called .main-navbar--list

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