validation pipeline using ErrorOr package
i have the feeling using dynamic to make the compiler know that we have implicit operators for errors is not the best idea
anyone has suggsetions on what to do instead?
18 Replies
Lemme see
iam on .net 7 btw
Avoid using dynamic for errors. Instead, define a common interface or base class like IValidationError for better type safety. It makes your code clearer and more reliable.
i already have an interface for that?
In that case, use your existing IErrorOr interface for errors instead of dynamic. This maintains type safety and improves code clarity.
are you literally copy pasting ai responses to me? this is almost 1:1 what jetbrains ai already told me
which is not working which is why iam here
I used RIder
iam on rider as well
Good luck with your money!
thats entirely unrelated now
Rider is paid
just like any other good software product
but thats not the point
So you don't need help
Ok see ya!
i do need help which is why i created this post
I believe you do, but you probably don't understand my help since you think I'm some AI.
reread this
iam assuming you are telling me ai responses because of what i stated before
i did not say that you are an ai which would go against discord tos nonetheless
iam asking if there are suggestions to get rid of the dynamic keyword inside my validation pipeline for mediatr as i might run into runtime errors in there which i dislike
Understandable, have a nice day
you too then ig