C#8mo ago

✅ Installing .NET on Ubuntu

So just installed .NET on Ubuntu through Snap, and am getting this warning
An issue was encountered verifying workloads. For more information, run "dotnet workload update".
An issue was encountered verifying workloads. For more information, run "dotnet workload update".
and when running dotnet workload update
Unhandled exception: System.IO.IOException: Read-only file system : '/snap/dotnet-sdk/228/metadata'
Unhandled exception: System.IO.IOException: Read-only file system : '/snap/dotnet-sdk/228/metadata'
idk what to do to solve this
10 Replies
Unknown User
Unknown User8mo ago
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Thinker8mo ago
I couldn't find .NET 8 on apt dotnet-sdk-7.0 exists, but not 8
Unknown User
Unknown User8mo ago
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TheRanger8mo ago
maybe you need to update ur apt? in arch atleast, i updated pacman in order to find dotnet 8
Unknown User
Unknown User8mo ago
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Thinker8mo ago
How do you add the MS feed then?
Unknown User
Unknown User8mo ago
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Thinker8mo ago
great, now it's not letting me use sudo catlost
Unknown User
Unknown User8mo ago
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Thinker8mo ago
okay now I can install the dotnet-sdk-8.0 package everything works. thanks
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