Issue with Vite project
Hello everyone,
I'm having an issue with the Vite project.
The issue is when I run the command npm run dev I have an error: The specific module could not be found.
3 Replies
You will have to give more to go on, also for future refernce probably better suited for #os-and-tools
did you
pnpm i
xDyes , i followed whole process but this error only accur when i try npm run dev command
here is the stackoverflow link i explain everything there if you could help me it would be great
Stack Overflow
Issue with npm and Node.js version compatibility in Vite project
I'm encountering an issue while trying to run my Vite project using npm. I've recently updated Node.js to version 18.16.0, and now I'm getting the following error:The specified module could not be ...

OneDrive, This is the second time today I've seen somebody trying to run node on a OneDrive, I would strongly suggest not.. Try npm install into a normal folder.. – Keith yesterdayI agree with this. Also never NEVER have spaces in your dev folder names honestly I wouldn't even have capital letters xD Also how are you starting this project?
npm create vite@latest