
How do I add the last part (stream-adstart) Does anything else need to be done, or do I just put a tag and it works? <!-- You can use styles and CSS on this iframe element where the video player will appear --> <iframe src="https://customer-<CODE><VIDEO_UID>/iframe" style="border: none" height="720" width="1280" allow="accelerometer; gyroscope; autoplay; encrypted-media; picture-in-picture;" allowfullscreen="true" id="stream-player" ></iframe> <script src=""></script> <!-- Your JavaScript code below--> <script> const player = Stream(document.getElementById('stream-player')); player.addEventListener('play', () => { console.log('playing!'); }); => { console.log('playback failed, muting to try again'); player.muted = true;; }); </script> Non-standard Events Non-standard events are prefixed with stream- to distinguish them from standard events. {{}} stream-adstart Fires when ad-url attribute is present and the ad begins playback stream-adend Fires when ad-url attribute is present and the ad finishes playback stream-adtimeout Fires when ad-url attribute is present and the ad took too long to load. {{}}```
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