Poor performance from Pages on static assets
Hello, I am using SvelteKit with the cloudflare-adapter to deploy to Pages. I'm seeing what looks like consistent poor performance from the /_app dir which is excluded in _routes.json:
I keep seeing over 600ms server response time for a 1.0 kB file, and in the worst case 2.76 seconds (see attached screenshot). Is this to be expected on the free plan in Asia/Tokyo?

1 Reply
Pages uses KV which has two central stores, one in US and one in the EU, and then each Cloudflare location caches those assets once they are requested, so I would expect maybe some levels of elevated latency for locations far away from those, but that latency shouldn't persist if you refresh a few times, and probably shouldn't be that high.
You can see which location you hit by appending
, ex: https://arcana-website.pages.dev/cdn-cgi/trace
The colo=
line is the airport code of the location you hit, if it's far away from where you are, could be poor routing