Cloudflare is not cashing my client's wordpress website. Please someone help me.

I've already tried several things, but I can't figure out why Cloudflare isn't chashing the site. When I didn't have Cloudflare, the pagespeed was at 80 and after the configuration I made as shown in the images below, the score remains the same. Please someone help me, I really need to resolve this.
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20 Replies
Chaika16mo ago
Thanks for moving to general-help. Your Page rules are configured for the www subdomain, but you're not using it. Drop the www. prefix from them
MoisésOP16mo ago
Hi Chaika, I tried to configure the rules for the domain only, but it didn't work
Chaika16mo ago
You changed them to just* for the bottom one, for example? oh it looks like you did, I'm getting cache hits on the html now
MoisésOP16mo ago
The hosting my client uses is Hostgator I just don't understand why the page speed rating hasn't increased
Chaika16mo ago
Cloudflare isn't magical, nor is cache. The caching helps lower time to first byte now that you fixed the page rule
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Chaika16mo ago
Stil kind of meh, looks like it's just a lot of JS/css
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MoisésOP16mo ago
When I do the speed test directly on cloudflare, I get 96 on mobile, but when I do it on page speed I get 80
Chaika16mo ago
Probably an older version or different settings, I wouldn't care about the arbitrary scores though, would care more about what it says you can fix & what is hurting your site load, and then fix it
MoisésOP16mo ago
When I disable the cloudflare proxy the rating does not change. I've always done this type of configuration on my websites and the score always increased considerably. I don't understand what's happening, I spent the whole day on this and nothing 😔
Chaika16mo ago
Cloudflare sadly isn't a magical fix all tool, it already helped a fair bit by caching html, bringing down your time to first byte from ~600ms from hostgator being slow to ~20ms cached. Past that, it looks like Google is just upset about the css being loaded on the site being slow/inefficient, looks like from the elementor plugin
MoisésOP16mo ago
I agree with you 100%, but my client wants at least 95 on mobile
MoisésOP16mo ago
Do you think cloudflare is giving me a higher rating because the server is in a different location than google's server? I believe that Google's is in the United States too.
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Chaika16mo ago
I'd guess it's probably something more to do with their settings
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Chaika16mo ago
(that's from Page Speed, CF doesn't show theirs) Perhaps CF emulates a different device, or doesn't throttle, or uses a diff chromium version You can run Lighthouse locally via the Chrome Dev Tools and pick settings Looks like you have Rocket Loader on which could be hurting more then helping. Could disable. Btw you mentioned disabling proxy and seeing if would change, worth noting it could take at least a few minutes (5 or so) for that change to do anything due to DNS Cache. Regardless I would run a few website tests (could try gtmetrix as well), see what it's complaining about (seems to be mostly css and such) and see if you can't optimize that with Wordpress Plugins or Elementor stuff. A quick google search talks about some Elemenator performance options/experiments that can be enabled to try to help.
MoisésOP16mo ago
Perfect, I'll try... It ended up not changing anything, I will accept that this site is cursed.
Chaika16mo ago
If you made changes in Elemenator you'll likely need to purge CF Cache for any of those changes to take effect, as the current css/html/js is cached
MoisésOP16mo ago
Do you think any of these notes interfere with anything, or is it normal?
Chaika16mo ago
None that would effect this perf. issues, but you usually do want the www subdomain working and redirecting, and a spf/dmarc policy is helpful to prevent fake emails coming from your domain, etc
MoisésOP16mo ago
@Chaika Hi Chaika! I have one more question. When we disable the cloudflare proxy, does any CF cache still remain? I noticed this on another site, maybe I'm wrong.
Chaika16mo ago
No, Cloudflare can't cache anything without proxy enabled. It may take a while for that proxy change to happen though, there's a TTL/Cache Period of 5 minutes by default, and some DNS Resolvers ignore that and could cache it for hours. To know you're no longer proxied, if you look at the response headers of the response in Dev Tools, you shouldn't see server: Cloudflare or any Cf-* headers like CF-Cache-Status

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