Static IPv6 addresses for Enterprise customers?

One of my clients has their website (www) and root domain proxied by Cloudflare, but does not use Cloudflare DNS. Enterprise on Cloudflare. For the www, they CNAME to the Cloudflare target, and Cloudflare hands out either v4 or v6 IPs to DNS resolvers. Fine. For root domain, they have been pointing to two Cloudflare v4 IPs since 2020. These IPs were provided by Cloudflare at the time. We'd like to have the root domain be available over v6 as well, so we'd like Cloudflare to give us 'static' IPv6 addresses, but so far, no luck getting these. They want to continue using their current auth DNS provider, so moving to Cloudflare DNS is not an option. Anybody know how to get static IPv6 addresses from Cloudflare?
1 Reply
Cyb3r-Jak316mo ago
I'm not aware of any solution but you should reach out to your CSM as they might have a solution

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