15 Replies
has to be converted into a kmod
then PRd to ublue-os/akmods
then included in bazzite
ahh i see
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on bazzite-deck which channel should i use in 39 or beta? Device is legion
i believe you would be fine with 39, from what i read the legion was pretty much almost done at release
ok cool. any additional stuff to do for the legion specifically?
idk about the specifics but i saw something about remapping the legion buttons through handygccs or whats it called
i dont own a legion myself, just got a friend who bought one to use as a laptop
hm.. is handygccs preinstalled or is it the tool called "input remapper"
its preinstalled to my knowledge
hm ok. theres only a default config
if you search for
Legion L
you will find the message about remapping some keys from what i can seeok maybe im too dumb for that