Undecided on which shirt to buy.

Hi there, hoping y'all can help me solve a dilemma of mine. I got two shirts I really like but am undecided on which one to buy. I'd like to choose the most versatile option of the two. I'd like to be able to wear it untucked, buttoned or unbuttoned, and tucked with my two jackets in mind. I'll provide images of those in comments. I suppose I have one main concern for each of the shirts. The primary concern for the cream cotton cross-stitched one is that the placement of the pattern will look awkward tucked. For the white linen shirt i'm a bit worried that linen will look awkward with denim? idk if that's a silly concern but I haven't ever owned any linen so I'm not sure how they look together. Feel like this is very odd and specific but I wanted to hear some opinions before spending my dollarydoos.
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10 Replies
Mullet Brando
Mullet BrandoOP15mo ago
the cream cotton cross-stitch shirt.
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mattw215mo ago
Why would you wear an embroidered short sleeve camp collar tucked? Like I genuinely can't see many situations where that's going to look good?
Mullet Brando
Mullet BrandoOP15mo ago
I feel the top one would look pretty good tucked tbh. main concern is the lower one personally.
Mullet Brando
Mullet BrandoOP15mo ago
jackets I own, with an example of me wearing a cuban collar that is also embroided in the middle w my suede trucker jacket (no photos of the denim jacket as it hasn't arrived yet D:)
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Mullet Brando
Mullet BrandoOP15mo ago
feel like i have spammed my own thread. i couldn't figure out a way to add more photos to the post. my apologies
Mullet Brando
Mullet BrandoOP15mo ago
example of another embroided harago shirt tucked.
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stmn15mo ago
Tbh I think you're overthinking these shirts. The most versatile one is the one you like most because you'll reach for it more often because you'll be more excited to wear it. I think I like the first one a bit better personally fwiw but go with your gut
plyisytwy15mo ago
I don’t think you’re overthinking, just gathering some second opinions. I do tend to agree that the cream wouldn’t tuck as well, it also appears fairly cropped on the model so potentially designed not to be tucked in. Hard to know how close the embroidery would get to your waistband but i think if it was close it would be awkward.
stmn15mo ago
Fair, didn't mean to come across as dismissive. I agree about the closeness of the embroidery to the waistband not being ideal for tucking. To address your other concern: I don't think linnen will look awkward with denim per se but I wouldn't combine a white linen shirt with the heavy raw denim vibe personally but rather with lighter washes
Mullet Brando
Mullet BrandoOP15mo ago
ty for the responses my dudes! i actually didn't notice that it was a cropped fit! and yeah i worry about the tuck appearing odd not only bc it'd be partially obscured by a tuck but also bc there'd be a lot happening in the lower half which could look odd while wearing a jacket? idk. but damn i really like the material of the cream one. and yeah, also agreed. i think linen with a raw denim could look a bit strange. but the jacket is modelled after the lee storm rider jacket which is cowboy and with linen i think of central and south america which i then think of cowboys. is that a reach? idk.

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