Runtime filters | HP

I have created the ThoughtSpot Embed application using angular i want clear the runtime filters of the liveboard.. what the logic to do this
8 Replies
Justin Mathew
Justin Mathew16mo ago
hey @Sathish , are you share a snippet how you are currently using runtime filters To update the runtime filters you can use an host event : More info about runtime filters :
SathishOP16mo ago
var columnName1 = ''; var data1 = ''; var liveboardId = '' this.route.queryParams.subscribe(params => { data1 = params['COGID']; liveboardId = params['liveboard']; data1=data1.replace(/-/g, '').toUpperCase(); console.log(data1); }); const tsDiv = document.getElementById("TSDIVV") as HTMLDivElement; const appEmbed = new LiveboardEmbed(tsDiv, { frameParams: { width: '100%', height: '100%', }, liveboardId: liveboardId, showLiveboardTitle:true, showLiveboardDescription:true, runtimeFilters: [{ columnName: "COG ID", operator: RuntimeFilterOp.EQ, values: [data1] }] }); appEmbed.on(EmbedEvent.Init, showLoader) .on(EmbedEvent.Load, hideLoader) .on(EmbedEvent.AuthLogout, this.showLogoutExpired) .on(EmbedEvent.AuthExpire, this.showLogoutExpired) .render(); whe the liveboard load it will set the cog id runtime filter when ever i want to navigate to other liveboard i want to remove the runtime filters
Justin Mathew
Justin Mathew16mo ago
@Sathish how are you navigating to another liveboard ? were you able to use the HostEvent ?
SathishOP16mo ago
no am not using HostEvent when the user is clicking the custom navigation menu at that time am passing the liveboardid
SathishOP16mo ago
No description
Justin Mathew
Justin Mathew16mo ago
@Sathish As per my understanding you want runTimeFilters of some of the liveboards and it should be empty in rest of the liveboards if so this can be handled in queryParams.subscribe itself. you can conditionally pass runtimeFilters based on the liveboard id cc: @suhel4code
SathishOP16mo ago
yes your understanding is correct how to do it conditionally pass runtimeFilters based on the liveboard id
suhel4code16mo ago
Can we check conditionally where to pass runtime or not ? In the meantime I will find better solution for this

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