Is my project idea doable? Please help me discover how.
Hello! I want to create a windows forms app that's basically a blank canvas on which you can upload your own images that you can zoom in on and move around. It would be used as a storage for reference images. I also need the images to not lose their quality when zooming in. I'm only wondering if this is technically possible but if anyone has any advice for how i should do some of the things mentioned above it would mean a lot since i'm just starting out with learning, this being my first project that's not entirely done with a tutorial helping me.
31 Replies
it sounds possible, not sure what you mean by not lose quality when zooming in though
images only have so much detail depending on resolution, focus, etc
what i meant is being to scale the image infinitely smaller on the said blank canvas
without losing the resolution of the image
so basically i would be able to fit infinite images on this one blank canvas
so zooming out?
i don't really know what you mean by that
zoom in = make image bigger
zoom out = make image smaller
yes i guess so then
then yes, you can do that without losing the original quality
thanks a lot @Jimmacle !!
Only vector based images would not lose their quality
yeah i'm sorry i misscommunicated what i needed
what i meant was you could scale down the image
and when zooming in on it it would look the same
im going to seld some screenshots from the software im trying to copy
I know what you meant 😛
Like a moodboard kind of app
im having trouble even starting right not honestly
Don't be afraid of using libraries for the pannable canvas control if you don't want to make your own of course.
im going to have to look more into that
But I would advise against using WinForms though
It is incredibly slow
compared to alternatives such as WPF
i just wanted to learn c# while making a personal project
if you advise i should do anything else but this im up for any ideas
Actually, it might be easier to just use the graphics context of a control
idk what u mean by that sorry
The OnPaint event for a control
aha yeah
i see how i would use this for moving and scaling an image\
but idk how to do the whole environment
Start by making a custom control
i see
so just being able to move around an image
that's what u mean by that right?
I would suggest by starting to make the actual ability to pan around
AKA handling mouse events
okk thanks! i'll be starting there
in the OnPaint event you can draw a test square to make sure that the pan ability actually works