Suit Jacket Sleeves Need Tailored?

Hi all, Just got two suits from Spier and Mackay. They’re pretty slick and with some minor alterations will be just what I needed. However, on the website, the description of each suit mentions “Non-Functional Sleeve Buttons for Easy Tailoring.” Would these be considered “finished,” or do they need the attention of a tailor? If so, what would I ask to be changed? The sleeves really fit fine as is. Any advice would be appreciated, thank you!
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5 Replies
rej8mo ago
This is typical for most jackets these days. The buttons are just decorative, they don't go thru a button hole like a shirt button, y'know? It's easier to tailor because they can shorten/lengthen the sleeve without worrying about the button holes.
Corn Orc Vandal
Corn Orc Vandal8mo ago
Awesome, thank you! I wasn’t sure if it was expected to get them tailored to go through a hole like you mentioned or if this was considered finished. Appreciate the input 🙏
rej8mo ago
Nope, all good as long as your sleeve lengths are good. Trim those white X threads on the sleeves and the vents at the back before wearing tho
gimp8mo ago
If the sleeve length is perfect, all you need to do is get rid of the basting and you're done. However, you could also change the button position - currently they're stacked/waterfall quite tightly with maybe a little more room from the bottom button to the cuff than I would like. (Standard is about one inch, plus minus.) So if you wanted to change their location, or change to being kissing buttons, or whatever, you could. But if you like it as is then just snip the basting thread and off you go It would cost somewhere between, depending where you go, $5 to $25 per buttonhole (x8) if you wanted a functional buttonhole. I'm not entirely sure what my tailor charges since I never asked them to do it, probably like $10 or $15, but I've heard as high as $25. I generally would not recommend doing it unless the jacket is really special to you. You could also add decorative stitching, without cutting and turning into a functional buttonhole, but again that's not really my thing, that's my least favorite option, but you might like it. Again it'll cost some dollars per button x8 for the jacket, and is totally optional and not something I would suggest myself
Viễn Hắc
Viễn Hắc8mo ago
8 buttons holes going for near 150 with my tailor U want decorative cuz people dont really care to look at ur cuff, besides yourself Way cheaper :/