Posters with brown skin tones

I'm ethnically maori/Polynesian and I have a hard time figuring out colour schemes to use. I'm looking for users with similar skin tones so I can have a quick look through what they are wearing/posting in the daily thread.
4 Replies
Nayyyyy16mo ago
i'll be honest as someone who is brown, people over think this stuff a lot. Which is common for people who are into fashion. Or getting into anything. It's like when a kid learns maths and starts questioning if, in fact, 2+2=4. Apart from not wearing clothing of a similar brown colour as your skin... go nuts. There's a colour guide in #fashion-guides to look at
Im definitely guilty of overthinking, but I disagree, and I also disagree with wearing clothes the same color as your skin not looking “good” I think hair and skin are major accessories, especially in the summer, and your skin tone kinda works like a canvas for the rest of your clothes. @OceanicEternity im new to this discord but I’ve gotten great inspo from Different brown than you, but hopefully helpful.
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Woolf16mo ago
I'm dark brown or Black, as the world likes to use, and I look to Jason Jules as my inspiration. I also look at this image every once in a while. I fall in the deep winter category. It is a ladies inspired colour chart but applies to me so I use it as a base.
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OceanicEternityOP16mo ago
Oooh thankyou. The advice in this thread has all been useful so far.

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