Domain transfer between cloudflare accounts

My dad registered a domain sometimes ago using his cloudflare account registrar. Now I want to transfer it to my cloudflare account. Is that possible? If yes guide the procedure. Btw that domain going to expire within a month.
11 Replies
_rirus_OP16mo ago
If your domain is using Cloudflare Registrar, you will need to transfer your domain to another registrar.
The domain registrar is already cloudflare. So I need to transfer to another registrar? What about already left days ? My domain still have about a month to expire Also please suggest some reliable registrar to transfer my domain Cloudflare is best for me Ok. Thanks
Chaika16mo ago
Yea it's a bit rough right now, please keep in mind there's a 60 day transfer lock period (iirc for all domains, imposed by ICANN), so you can't just quick transfer out and back in
_rirus_OP16mo ago
So what do you suggest. Can I let that domain expire and register again on my account?
Chaika16mo ago
no, letting it expire would risk losing it. Depending on the exact domain Top Level Domain (TLD) (ex. generic TLDs like com have different policies then country-code TLDs like .uk), generally there's a redemption period in which the domain stops resolving before it becomes available again, etc. Just transfer it to Porkbun or a trusted registrar of your choicing, and then later transfer it back to CF if you'll sure it'll stay for a while like that and you'd like cheaper pricing.
_rirus_OP16mo ago
My domain is .com
Chaika16mo ago
The difference between porkbun and cf .com pricing is 0.60 cents a year
_rirus_OP16mo ago
Then as per your suggestion I'll transfer my domain to porkbun. If I needed I transfer back to cf. Anyway, I am going to use cf pages for my site.
Chaika16mo ago
There's no benefit of CF Registrar other then it being cheaper, you don't lose any Cloudflare CDN Features or gain anything like that, personally I just leave everything in Porkbun unless I'm sure it'll be in Cloudflare always. But yea, just transfer out and add the website to your CF Account, and then set nameservers at Porkbun, one and done. CF Pages is a great choice If you have any existing DNS Records, it's probably a better idea to add the website to your Cloudflare account first, copy over all of the DNS Records (and any settings, like SSL Mode under SSL/TLS -> Overview), then transfer and set nameserver, less downtime
JustinNoel16mo ago
Also consider Dynadot as they give the anonymous registartion for free.
_rirus_OP16mo ago
Is that reliable? Their site is not working
JustinNoel16mo ago
I've used them for many years. Maybe they just had a little glitch while you were trying to access them. Right now everything seems fine,

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