Section Size is not Perfect
Hello Developers ,
So i have a Product slider but it's not looking good at all so I'm gonna send the code to you guy's if anyone knows how to fix it i will be so thankful for that
14 Replies
css code
also in case if you wanna see the output

@Sam please read the #📝rules and only ping @ mod if there is a server issue. Not coding problems thanks.
Best to provid a reply or codepen too. Read #how-to-ask-good-questions for more help.
my apologize i wasn't know that but after i know i delete it so i hope you accept my apologize
can anyone help
we are still waiting for a codepen
they're saying that to be able to help, you will need to share your code in a way that makes it easy to see the problem. Ideally, something like codepen where people can click a link and see the code and the rendered version of the site side by side and make changes as they go
there's info on how to share your code properly in #how-to-ask-good-questions
you're missing several libraries and none of the images work, you may want to put some placeholders in and use the settings button on the javascript pane to include whatever libraries you were including in the HTML. You can use this panel:

you get to it by clicking the cogwheel next to the JS tab
if you've already got it hosted somewhere you can just link that too
ohw, and please only put in the relevant part. don't just past the whole page
okay i will just 1 sec pls