What your reason to use Cloudflare Page V2 build system?

While V1 has much much more built tools, what is the point to use V2?
8 Replies
Hello, I’m Allie!
V2 generally supports more update versions for tools, and is the one that will be updated from now on
Đăng Tú
Đăng TúOP17mo ago
But it miss lot of tools right? For instance the very basic like gnu make? btw, do you plan to add deno in? I think it really usefull as build script
Hello, I’m Allie!
It should have Gnu Make 4.3, according to the intial proposal for V2
Đăng Tú
Đăng TúOP17mo ago
Is the proposal for internal only or I can see it as well?
Hello, I’m Allie!
Build Image Update · cloudflare pages-build-image · Discussion #1
DISCLAIMER: This a document intended for discussion and feedback. This is NOT a definite commitment to what we will deliver. All points below are subject to change. Overview The current build image...
Đăng Tú
Đăng TúOP17mo ago
@HardlyHolidayin’ is it possible for me to proposal adding Deno? Here is my reason: 1. Deno has a very amazing static builder call Lume
Hello, I’m Allie!
Try #pages-feature-suggestions
Đăng Tú
Đăng TúOP17mo ago
2. It is super flexible and convenience in a way that you don't have to install much in both client and server (which is very helpful to work in difference places) Got it, thanks.

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