mfad•17mo ago

Fit Doctor needed at Brick General

For a few years before joining this discord, I completely left all fashion circles because I was getting frustrated with feeling directionless and like I was never going anywhere with my style. Now I am back and unsurprisingly I still feel the same way. I'm stuck in a rut and never feel like I have a cohesive direction on where my style is/where it's going. Borrowed this idea from the excellent @smilesthread here: https://discord.com/channels/1116793467654381685/1130222370179793076/1130222370179793076 In line with that thread, I'll be posting some fits I like, some bricks, and a third category that I'm meh on/unsure about to start. I also created a quick inspo album of some outfits that really speak to me in terms of what I want to wear. It's not that extensive but hopefully it gives the general vibe I want to go for. https://imgur.com/a/6BcppeB
33 Replies
stevieOP•17mo ago
bear with me i had albums ready to go and they're gone 😭
stevieOP•17mo ago
Ok got it, here's the fits I like
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stevieOP•17mo ago
Here are the bricks. Bricks are here because they're too boring, the colors aren't right, or the silhouette is bad.
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stevieOP•17mo ago
And here are the fits I'm not really sure about/meh on. Either too boring or some element feels off I can't put my finger on.
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stevieOP•17mo ago
All this is to say... Well, I'm kinda lost and could really use some help in finding my direction or how I should go about getting there.
werkinprogress•17mo ago
I'd like to suggest that a lot of what you're looking for in terms of inspo is very, very flowy, oversized, and drapey over the bodies of the individuals wearing those garments. The fits you seem to have most problems with don't display that quality. Not to say that they're bad (I really like fit #1 and #6 in the meh category personally), but they're all slightly more form-fitting than what your prompts or ideals call for. A lot of the wearers in your inspo are also slimmer folk who are probably buying 2 sizes up to have that effect of drowning in the fabric a bit further. In terms of achieving your mission, I found fits 2 and 6 to be most analogous to what you're looking for. They're clear examples of constructing shape while maintaining the flowiness you're desiring. I think I'd consider measuring things like the vest in fit #6 or the shorts in fit #2 to get a sense of what sizing you want for the billowy effect you desire. I actually think you have your colour palette down pat, so I'd just recommend comparing the strongest elements in your wardrobe in achieving your vision to future potential purchases.
stevieOP•17mo ago
Yes, unfortunately I think I'm holding onto a lot of pieces that don't suit me anymore because of the anxiety of never having sold anything before. It's something I am definitely changing very soon and I think getting rid of things that don't suit what I want will help me with having focus. As a result of all this I'm not hitting those oversized drapey notes as much as I want to because I'm getting drowned out by clothes that don't suit the look. I do still enjoy a variety of widths but the stuff that speaks to me the most is the drapey stuff. Ultimately I think I'm afraid of it being a wardrobe issue rather than a skill issue. A skill issue wouldn't cost so much to remedy. harold
Smiles•17mo ago
@meatwater might have some insight on the drape here
werkinprogress•17mo ago
I guess, but I feel like they're playing with different types of garments that they're looking to drape. Wuz's how to breathe article felt far more in line with this approach
Smiles•17mo ago
Agree I think its different than their style but I'd suspect theres cross-over insights I broadly agree with isaac, espicially with the pants, its a meme but I feel like your inspo has really wide pants and a lot of your fits don't
stevieOP•17mo ago
wuz is a personal inspo of mine but i think he's super busy since he missed a fit battle submission yeahhhhhhhhh that's thankfully an issue i am correcting soon just waiting for em to get to the From Japan warehouse rn I think unfortunately my wardrobe just lacks what I want from it and I spent too much money half assing it
werkinprogress•17mo ago
If you feel like you have some garms you wanna get rid of in place of what you'll get, I think what you still have is desirable and won't be too hard to get rid of for dosh
heckle•17mo ago
If you can find sizes that work for you, there are a lot of brands that are inexpensive to proxy that kinda hit the look you’re going for, I’ll make a lil list
stevieOP•17mo ago
that would be huge, tyvm
aud•17mo ago
I agree your silhouettes aren't pushed quite as hard as your inspiration. There's also a vibe of something sleek and modern in your inspiration that might be something you're drawn to and not fully capturing at this point. Some cooler color choices like navys, grays, or very soft muted browns may help capture some of that for you (even while I do like your color combinations right now too, they just are earthier than what you're looking at.) I also wonder if you have a slight vibe mismatch with your glasses and your clothing goals. Something that feels a little more sleek/modern, like maybe a silver wire frame or something that feels a little less like a default pair of glasses might help here. The baseball hat you wear in a lot of fits – while a cool pattern – also is pretty busy and doesn't feel like it fits the vibe you're looking for to me. Something cooler in tone, maybe more textural might do more heavy lifting (I do like your bucket hat use though, it balances much better with the clothing for me)
heckle•17mo ago
Cheaper first, pricier later in list: Badhiya, Bukht, voaaov, my beautiful landlet, Dulcamara, O Project, yoko sakamoto, ka na ta, shinya kozuka, Sillage, Daiwa Pier39 I’ve never been into more technical stuff so that list leans a little less that way but you may find it a good starting place Also I have a japonica order going for the first time, if it works out it may be the best service for shipping to Canada (I think you said you’re in Canada?)
stevieOP•17mo ago
These are all really observant points I'm not sure I would have been capable of making or realizing. The choice of colors you mentioned especially was kinda like a "wow that's 100% spot on" I never even considered. And ya the glasses are old and I'd be covered to get a new pair under insurance right now anyway, good call there. As for the hat, yeah you got me. It's my only cap lol. Really glad I found the bucket hat in my closet recently because I completely forgot I had it. Thanks a lot meat, very insightful, workable feedback. extreme thank you, will check all these out I already got a From Japan order going so that's just gonna be the one I use this time
aud•17mo ago
I'm glad it was helpful! I think you're in a damn good spot though and I dig a lot of the details in these
stevieOP•17mo ago
Well thank you very much, I guess it's mostly a me issue in wanting something else than what I have rn
werkinprogress•17mo ago
Yeah, you're not in a clearly dire spot or anything
aud•17mo ago
haha i definitely get that
Brassi•17mo ago
these were all better than the bricks well what i love about fashion is that your style doesnt have to be anything concrete, being unsure of what it is is totally fine
plyisytwy•17mo ago
I’m noticing in the inspo folder that a lot of these garments make strategic use of draw strings, cuffs, and buttons/closures. These inspo garments have extra fabric to play with, additionally they feature some functional details that can be adjusted like draw string hems on the pants, so in that respect you could look to expand your wardobe. But i also wouldn’t foreclose on the potential to expand your styling skills with the stuff you already have, maybe try and see how much variation in silhouettes is possible by wearing your clothes differently. I can tell that you’re already doing some of that with cuffs and layering.
plyisytwy•17mo ago
This styling in particular I think you could try. The hood draw strings are tightened possibly beyond what would even allow for it to fit over the model’s head, this gives it that cute puffy collar look that is then framed so nicely with the just thoes two high buttons closed, which in turn creates more of an a-line silhouette for the jacket to drape.
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stevieOP•17mo ago
hmm ya i might be able to cook something up that's good advice
plyisytwy•17mo ago
Similar to strategic buttoning: i always love double zippers that zip in both directions, you can find a sweet spot to close a jacket and give it more interesting shape. Dunno if you have something like that in your closet or would consider getting a zipper changed out to make some garms more versatile. Just another idea! Happy to help! Also wanna say I think your fits look good to my eye, but I totally can relate to feeling in a rut.
casey•17mo ago
Think you've already gotten a lot of good advice but I will say I know I suggested Harvesty over Anglan for the pants but Anglan does have tons of stuff similar to what you're looking for and I think even features a few times in your inspo album. Maybe have a look at other Korean brands too like Merely Made both for pieces and styling inspo.
stevieOP•17mo ago
Oh yeah I love Merely Made, my hoodie and the overshirt I wear a lot are from there. Awesome brand, very nice people too. Got some stuff from their first drops so they were very nice to me hah Love Anglan too but I haven't bought anything from them yet, they'll probably be where I go for oversized top halves in the future
casey•17mo ago
Ah sounds good then! I think the Harvesty pants are gonna work really well for you
stevieOP•17mo ago
Same I'm pretty excited about it lol gonna be a good haul Overall this was very helpful and i have some actionable things i can/am doing, thanks everyone
bishopcorrigan•17mo ago
echoing ply in saying that you can do a lot with styling stuff you have in new ways, you don't have to swap everything out right away (though its really nice when you do find the perfect upgrade to something you've been unhappy with) Not everything in here is perfectly applicable but it might be worth perusing: https://malefashionadvice.substack.com/p/making-it-work
Making it work.
sewing and styling your way to "new" clothes.
bishopcorrigan•17mo ago
My first couple pairs of wider pants/trousers were just super cheap thrifts (or literally from the hardware store) that I modified a little to make them wearable gave me a starting point that wasnt much of a commitment
stevieOP•17mo ago
thanks a bunch bishop, i will def be reading the substack over some soup tn and taking this into consideration

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