✅ Styling Expander Avalonia
I am trying to change the style of the pointer over effect of the expander. I have tried everything I can think of while reading through https://github.com/AvaloniaUI/Avalonia/blob/master/src/Avalonia.Themes.Fluent/Controls/Expander.xaml and I cannot figure it out. I just want the background to be purple and the foreground to be pink on hover whether the expander is expanded or collapsed. As per the comments in the stylings, I have determined that the main stylings effect what's inside the drop down, and what's in the nested stylings changes the header, but I cannot figure out the pointer over effect. Thanks.
Avalonia/src/Avalonia.Themes.Fluent/Controls/Expander.xaml at maste...
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1 Reply
i figured it out. nvm