Flow17mo ago

joshua | Flow (2023-11-06)

I have some questions about Cadence performance. If I have a large dictionary in account storage and I want to read one of its values, is it cheaper to copy the dictionary from storage and then read the value at a specific key, or to borrow a reference to it from storage and then read the value for the key through the reference? Or is it the same?
14 Replies
Needle17mo ago
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joshuaOP17mo ago
like how much cheaper? If I have a dictionary with 1000 key-value pairs, what is the cost difference between loading and accessing a value and borrowing and accessing a value
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turbolent17mo ago
Loading, i.e. moving (resource) or copying (struct), is always expensive, because data is physically copied from storage. Borrowing is always the cheapest https://developers.flow.com/cadence/design-patterns#avoid-excessive-load-and-save-storage-operations-prefer-in-place-mutations
joshuaOP17mo ago
yeah, I am just curious what the difference is
turbolent17mo ago
As in performance, or functionality?
joshuaOP17mo ago
performance. like if I have a dictionary of 1000 resources We're trying to solve some performance issues in the staking contract and I am trying to see which operations are causing the most problems because there are multiple candidates
joshuaOP17mo ago
thank you
turbolent17mo ago
the more data the dictionary (or any other container, like an array) has, the more expensive the load/save approach becomes. if you only have a small dictionary, then it's likely unnoticeable the borrow/reference approach is accessing the data directly, in storage. there is no need (and a lot of unnecessary overhead) for copying all the data, modifying it, and then copying it back It would be nice to expose some performance details when running code in the Emulator, e.g. from a transaction/script, and also the test framework. We already have coverage data, but exposing metering data would allow identifying such performance hotspots cc @mpeter
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turbolent17mo ago
Why not? That the serialization of the data is delayed until the end makes it a bit harder to see where the cause is for that, but on it's own the transfers are metered, so should show up when looking at metering data
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