agent made by ai

Agent Name: Mirage Appearance: Mirage is a character with a deceptive holographic appearance. Their body is composed of shimmering, shifting light projections, creating a mirage-like effect, making it hard to pinpoint their exact form. Mirage's silhouette constantly changes, resembling a cloaked figure with a futuristic, elusive aesthetic. Role: Controller/Duelist Abilities: Phantom Image (C): Mirage can deploy a stationary holographic projector that creates a realistic-looking decoy of themselves. The decoy mimics Mirage's movements to deceive enemies, distracting and confusing opponents, drawing their attention away from Mirage's true position. Optical Disruptor (Q): Mirage throws an Optical Disruptor grenade that, upon detonation, creates a field of distortion, disorienting enemies' vision within its radius. This distortion reduces the enemy's vision, making it harder for them to see clearly for a short duration. Dimension Shift (E): Mirage has the ability to momentarily shift into a mirage-like state, becoming semi-invisible and gaining increased movement speed for a brief period. While in this state, Mirage becomes more elusive and harder to hit, allowing for swift repositioning or flanking. Spectral Assault (X - Ultimate): Mirage's ultimate ability enables them to create multiple holographic copies of themselves that move in different directions for a limited time. These holographic copies mimic Mirage's actions, confusing enemies by making it extremely challenging to determine the real Mirage among the illusions. The copies can't deal damage but serve to disorient and distract opponents.
14 Replies
dionysusOP16mo ago
what do you think?
Monogrammed Butterscotch
X and C are basically mirage from apex legends's ability and ultimate.
dionysusOP16mo ago
yeah i asked too many times actually it just copied other agents this one was the best one
g00dj0bn00b16mo ago
Q is like reapers wraith form
.16mo ago
aint this mirage from transformers
cam16mo ago
it’s just mirage from apex legends
Vortex16mo ago
its decent so basically better version of yoru clones thats cool
dionysusOP16mo ago
yeah chatgpt just copies im going to try google bard too Valorant Agent Idea: Echo Role: Initiator Nationality: Chinese Abilities: Signature Ability: Pulse (C) - Echo sends out a sonar pulse that reveals enemies and objects in a cone-shaped area. The pulse also stuns enemies for a short duration. Q Ability: Echolocation (Q) - Echo activates a device that allows her to see through walls and objects in a limited radius. E Ability: Mirage (E) - Echo creates a holographic duplicate of herself at a targeted location. The duplicate can move and shoot, but it does less damage than Echo herself. X Ability: Sonar Dome (X) - Echo deploys a dome that emits a continuous sonar pulse, revealing all enemies within its radius. The dome also stuns enemies who enter it for the first time. Playstyle: Echo is an initiator agent who can use her abilities to gather information and create opportunities for her team. Her Pulse ability is a great way to clear corners and check for enemies. Her Echolocation ability can be used to see through walls and objects, giving her a significant advantage in gunfights. Her Mirage ability can be used to create distractions and confuse enemies. Her Sonar Dome ability is a powerful tool for revealing and stunning enemies, making it a great way to initiate a push or defend a site. this is made bt google bard i think its worse
Vortex16mo ago
Heard about echo before I think someone already said that I'll make a new one I can't post Why
cam16mo ago
echo is also another apex legend 😭😭
Monogrammed Butterscotch
Echo is Vantage's bat from Apex legends
cam16mo ago
yes mirage and echo ( vantages bat) from apex
dionysusOP16mo ago
ai is just copying characters from other games lol and bard was worse i asked for valorant it just gave me overwatch💀
Lemon16mo ago
Over complicated yoru icl

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