Tunnel Not Working
Hello! I have recently purchased a new Raspberry Pi and I was hoping to host a few sites on it. I attempted to take the Cloudflare Tunnels route and i set up everything and I don't see any issues from the logs but when I navigate to the subdomain I had set up i get "took too long to respond". I'm not sure if this is an issue with my setup or Cloudflare. How can i troubleshoot?
DNS Record:
Name: pi
Target: <redacted>.cfargotunnel.com
1 Reply
ah ok. thank you for the swifty response! cloudflare seems to be having tons of issues in the past 2 days i thought they were fixed by now I was going crazy 😮💨
is there any ETA what so ever on when these issues will be resolved?
alrighty thank you so much ❤️