Deployment Fails with @sveltejs/adapter-cloudflare

I am attempting to deploy to CloudFlare Page and I believe I need some help setting up my environment. My local environment is setup using Miniflare where I set the platform variable, here is what my hooks.server.ts file looks like:
export const handle: Handle = async ({ event, resolve }) => {
if (dev) {
const mf = await import('./lib/server/miniflare');
event.platform = await mf.setupPlatform();

event.locals.db = getDB(event.platform!.env.DB);
event.locals.auth = getAuth(event.platform!.env.DB).handleRequest(event);

return await resolve(event);
export const handle: Handle = async ({ event, resolve }) => {
if (dev) {
const mf = await import('./lib/server/miniflare');
event.platform = await mf.setupPlatform();

event.locals.db = getDB(event.platform!.env.DB);
event.locals.auth = getAuth(event.platform!.env.DB).handleRequest(event);

return await resolve(event);
I am using drizzle-orm and lucia-auth for this project. Here are some function definitions function getDB(db: D1Database) => DrizzleD1Database and function getAuth(db: D1Database) => AuthRequest (AuthRequest is a lucia type), however I don't think they are the issue, because it works just fine in my development environment with Miniflare. Here is what my app.d.ts file looks like:
/// <reference types="@sveltejs/adapter-cloudflare" />

declare global {
namespace App {
interface Locals {
auth: import("lucia").AuthRequest;
db: import('drizzle-orm/d1').DrizzleD1Database<typeof import('$lib/schema')>;
interface Platform {
env: {
DB: D1Database;
KV: KVNamespace;
DOCS: R2Bucket;
context: {
waitUntil(promise: Promise<any>): void;
caches: CacheStorage & { default: Cache };
cf?: IncomingRequestCfProperties;

namespace Lucia {
type Auth = import("$lib/server/lucia").Auth;
type DatabaseUserAttributes = {
// ...
type DatabaseSessionAttributes = {};

export {};
/// <reference types="@sveltejs/adapter-cloudflare" />

declare global {
namespace App {
interface Locals {
auth: import("lucia").AuthRequest;
db: import('drizzle-orm/d1').DrizzleD1Database<typeof import('$lib/schema')>;
interface Platform {
env: {
DB: D1Database;
KV: KVNamespace;
DOCS: R2Bucket;
context: {
waitUntil(promise: Promise<any>): void;
caches: CacheStorage & { default: Cache };
cf?: IncomingRequestCfProperties;

namespace Lucia {
type Auth = import("$lib/server/lucia").Auth;
type DatabaseUserAttributes = {
// ...
type DatabaseSessionAttributes = {};

export {};
When I build and attempt to deploy the build it says the event.platform is undefined:
12:52:36.928 > Using @sveltejs/adapter-cloudflare
12:52:38.216 TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'env')
12:52:38.216 at Object.handle (file:///opt/buildhome/repo/.svelte-kit/output/server/chunks/hooks.server.js:34:42)
12:52:36.928 > Using @sveltejs/adapter-cloudflare
12:52:38.216 TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'env')
12:52:38.216 at Object.handle (file:///opt/buildhome/repo/.svelte-kit/output/server/chunks/hooks.server.js:34:42)
Deployment ID - 55b93723-6495-4000-bfb4-f3e971753c60 I have search Google for an answer to my problem, but I haven't been able to find anyone else who is having the same problem with platform being undefined in a SvelteKit hooks.server.ts file. I have added the DB, KV and DOCS bindings from the workers dashboard, however I don't think that is the problem as well, because the error shows that the event.platform variable is undefined. Hopefully I have enough information in this post. Any help is appreciated!
5 Replies
kongaskristjan17mo ago
The event.platform variable is for some reason undefined. Even if I tried using the example provided here, I still run into a very similar problem, that platform is undefined. Did you find any solutions yet @kdamp ?
kdampOP17mo ago
Yes, it is undefined only during your typescript build. It is defined in the Cloudflare runtime. I don't know why, but that's just how it is
kongaskristjan17mo ago
Thanks for the quick answer, it pointed in the right direction. I found another post that discusses the issue of locally connecting to the database: Basically, if I run this in one terminal
npx vite build --watch
npx vite build --watch
and this in another terminal
npx wrangler pages dev .svelte-kit/cloudflare --live-reload --d1=DB
npx wrangler pages dev .svelte-kit/cloudflare --live-reload --d1=DB
I suddenly gain access to envs, and can connect to a local database.
kdampOP17mo ago
No problem. That is one way to do it! I personally set up a local Miniflare object and assigned that to the platform variable and that works for me. I get really annoyed when running two terminals at the same time lol You can also run it like this
npx wrangler pages dev --d1=DB -- npx vite dev
npx wrangler pages dev --d1=DB -- npx vite dev
The -- allows Cloudflare to make a proxy to the sveltekit port.
bopbeep15mo ago
thank you so much i was dying

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