Dropmenu menu

Hi everyone I realise this menu but the problem is when I click on the button contain in iv who have entete class the div who have class info appear on the div entete when he translate. https://codepen.io/alpha_66/pen/KKJgyxG?editors=1000 can I have some idea about the way to fixe this
5 Replies
Zoë17mo ago
Put the drop down into a container, the container has overflow-y:hidden. It also doesn't move when hidden/shown. Then when you translate the list it just appears
Pat66OP17mo ago
I don't understand your message what should I do in which container ?
Zoë17mo ago
Just put .info into .container, .container has overflow-y: hidden, and I also added pointer-events to it so it can display on top of other things still and changed adding the class sub onto .container rather than .info but .info works the same
Pat66OP17mo ago

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