
カスタムレシピって今でもできるんですか? skqueryのものを試しましたが使えませんでした
on load:
register new shaped recipe for chest named "&fStorageBox" using chest, chest, chest, chest, air, chest, chest, chest, chest
on load:
register new shaped recipe for chest named "&fStorageBox" using chest, chest, chest, chest, air, chest, chest, chest, chest
ほかにカスタムレシピを使う方法があれば教えてほしいです サーバー, skriptの情報などは添付してあります
No description
3 Replies
これならどうでしょう https://skripthub.net/docs/?id=4051
Skript Hub - Documentation
Recipe - Shaped/Shapeless (Effect) - SkBee
Register a new shaped/shapeless recipe for a specific item using custom ingredients. Recipes support items and material choices for ingredients. Material choices allow you to use Minecraft tags or lists of items. The ID will be the name given to this recipe. IDs may only contain letters, numbers, periods, hyphens, a single colon and underscores,...
ちなみに火使うようなレシピも https://skripthub.net/docs/?id=4047
Skript Hub - Documentation
Recipe - Cooking (Effect) - SkBee
Register new cooking recipes. On 1.13+ you can register recipes for furnaces. On 1.14+ you can also register recipes for smokers, blast furnaces and campfires. The ID will be the name given to this recipe. IDs may only contain letters, numbers, periods, hyphens, a single colon and underscores, NOT SPACES!!! By default, if no namespace is provide...
あお🦀OP16mo ago
できました! ありがとうございます!

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