Postcss @import not returning content of the files.
My output file returns '@import 'files'' instead of the content of the files. I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I've tried changing files paths, still getting same output. But when I link 'main.css' to my html head, the content in the file reflects on my work.
postcss.conf.js - module.export = {
plugins: [
package.json - "scripts":{
"postcss:watch": "postcss assets/
main.css --dir public" }, main.css (which is in the same file directory as css (assets) - @import 'css/';
@import 'css/ custom.css'; @import 'css/style.css'; Output when I run 'npm run postcss:watch' is public/main.css - @import 'css/'; @import 'css/ custom.css'; @import 'css/style.css';
main.css --dir public" }, main.css (which is in the same file directory as css (assets) - @import 'css/';
@import 'css/ custom.css'; @import 'css/style.css'; Output when I run 'npm run postcss:watch' is public/main.css - @import 'css/'; @import 'css/ custom.css'; @import 'css/style.css';
16 Replies
It's looking for an
file by default.@Kevin Thank you Sir. I was able to resolve it later on. Though it took me a while to identify my mistake.
@Kevin sorry to ask Sir, have you ever tested your work on uc browser (desktop version)? how did you get it to render properly? Some css property is not supported. Ones I've come across for now is "grid, margin-block, and clamp" translate property is giving something else entirely. What do you suggest I do?
What are they giving you?
Are you also using preset-env?
@Kevin the whole thing is scattered. The display in mobile version is ok but not as good as what I have in chrome and few other browsers. I'm not using preset-env, cos I'm not conversant with it. Truth is I'm a completely novice😃. I'm following your classes to handle the css part of what I'm working on
@Kevin if it's ok with you and it's not against your rules, I would really love you to see the project when I'm done. I'm working on an e-commerce website.
The reason I asked if you're using preset-env is that will change some things, like
If it's changing your code, could you post what you put in, and what it's outputting?I'm using preset-env. but I didn't add stage config. my setup. can't remember where I added at the moment. css that has the translateX property

also check the style rendering in UC browser. the icons are not displaying in the same position as firefox because UC doesn't support properties.
If you have preset-env setup, it's going to make changes. Any postcss plugin is going to have defaults, including preset-env, which I think defaults to stage 2 by default. It means if you use
, it'll turn that into margin-top
and margin-bottom
. The changes it makes should have no impact on the final result, it'll just look a little different, but with better browser support.
As for grid, if you need it to work in UC, then you can't use grid, not much you can do there. Do you really need it working in UC though?@Kevin I find it easier to work with grid than flexbox. Personally I don't care much about UC but my fear is the impression the output will create if that <1% user visits the site. Cos the rendering will definitely not be pleasing
What countries are visiting your site (or do you hope to be visiting your site)? If you're worried about North America + Europe, I'm not even sure UC would hit .2% of users. You'd have more people on IE probably. The only places where use of UC is going to be above 0.5% is Africa and Asia. afaik, China is the only country where it has meaningful useage
@Kevin I'm not targeting a specific country. I'm a Nigerian. So it won't be surprising if majority of my visitors are from Africa
Still might not be an issue, but if it is, the only real choice is not to use grid 🤷
@Kevin 😄 which is nearly impossible not to. Maybe I'll work on a fallback when I'm done.
why does 'height: 100vh;' add vertical scroll even when the content is not much? I've tried '100% and max-height:100dvh', none is taking up the whole viewport.
@Kevin the mobile version is ugly. It sent the whole thing downward.

body { margin: 0; }
?@Kevin yes, done that already