C#16mo ago

❔ Plz help

I signed up for a course and I don't understand how to do the task
15 Replies
DimOn4ikOP16mo ago
please help me make it
TheRanger16mo ago
what are you talking about? we dont even know what course and what task
Anu6is16mo ago
MODiX16mo ago
How to get the best help catpog Make a post in #help or one of the topic channels under Development. Avoid askingcatthinking Can anybody help catthinking Has anyone used catthinking Why doesn't my code work? C# is a big area! No one knows they can help unless you tell them about the small area you're trying to work in. Explain what you are doing, and potentially why for as much context as possible. Avoid screenshots where possible, share code directly in Discord. Type $code into chat to learn how to post code. See https://www.nohello.net and https://dontasktoask.com if you want common help chat room etiquette.
DimOn4ikOP16mo ago
I will tell you the task, this topic is being studied almost at the very beginning these are the Basics of object-oriented programming Using the acquired skills about OOP, implement the "Train" class. Several fields and methods should be represented in the class. Inherit two more classes from the Train class. Each derived class must have one additional method and one overridden one. As an answer, attach the cs file of the program. If several files are created, then an archive with all the files. I have tried to write code, but I have failed more than once
TheRanger16mo ago
failed how? can you show what you tried so far
DimOn4ikOP16mo ago
unfortunately I can't, I deleted everything and went to do further tasks, and now I have only this one left
TheRanger16mo ago
show that then
DimOn4ikOP16mo ago
I am writing to you because I have an hour and a half left to pass or I will be expelled
TheRanger16mo ago
we don't do assignments for people, we teach did you atleast learn some few fundamentals of C#?
DimOn4ikOP16mo ago
I know a little c# language, but for some reason I can't do tasks like this I've been studying for only 2 months
TheRanger16mo ago
do you atleast know how to create a class?
DimOn4ikOP16mo ago
TheRanger16mo ago
start with the first objective then Using the acquired skills about OOP, implement the "Train" class.
Accord16mo ago
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