File Size Limit Question

So I saw that the maximum file size for the cloudflare pages free plan is 25MB. I've been trying to host a .pt file (~30-40MB, from TorchScript, AI stuff) for downloading into a docker container through various free methods, but they either don't support files that large or they are very difficult to use. I've used Pages for a lot of other things and I've had a great experience, so I figured I'd ask here: is the file size limit a technical limit, or is it worth requesting a limit increase to 50MB?
2 Replies
Chaika17mo ago
It's a technical limit of the underlying datastore Pages uses, KV. Also Pages isn't really meant to be used like that, it's for websites/html You might consider instead to use R2: R2 is Cloudflare's S3-compatiable object store. It's really cheap, no egress bandwidth costs, $0.36/per million GET Requests (assuming it's not a video/using Range requests to retreive) and you can configure it on a public read-only domain ex. You can use a cache or page rule to force caching on the custom domain and any cache hits are free as well
Pricing · Cloudflare R2 docs
R2 charges based on the total volume of data stored, along with two classes of operations on that data:
theelxOP17mo ago
Ok, that's fair. Thanks! (how do i close this)

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