Stack Suggestions!!!

For a web app with the following functionality: - User authentication with an auth provider - Fetching specific information from the same service's API - Displaying this information to the user - Allowing users to download this information as an image, with the data overlaid on a specific background - In the future I also want to allow the users to change the information font/color, swap backgrounds... (kind of like an image editor) What web development stack would you recommend? I've only used Vercel and Next.js, but from what I've seen, Next.js doesn't work very well on cloudflare pages or any other hosting provider outside of Vercel, i want to explore/use new stuff like Remix, HTMX, and web frameworks (Hono/Elysia), so i can use different stuff outside of Next.js in the future. Any advice and suggestions, particularly related to efficient caching to avoid rate limits, would be greatly appreciated.
1 Reply
moonage.dev17mo ago
It’s a very broad question, however what I’m using at the moment is hono, mantine + vite hosted on cf pages and for auth
middleware/packages/clerk-auth at main · honojs/middleware
monorepo for Hono third-party middleware/helpers/wrappers - honojs/middleware

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