TailwindCSS cdn not working
i tried using an older version of the cdn but it still doesnt work

6 Replies
"doesn't work" isn't very descriptive. What doesn't it do? Also, that's not Tailwind, that's fontawesome
ah, I see what you mean now. I'm guessing you mean the autocomplete? (which makes this a #os-and-tools question)
but the autocomplete is working isn't it? it shows all classes with text in them
it's not showing (at least as far as we can see) the classes in tailwind, just the fontawesome ones which is what threw me originally
I think you may need to install an extension for VSCode to get tailwind autocomplete: https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=bradlc.vscode-tailwindcss
yea i already have it but still odesnt work
what is this section about btw?
#front-end is for frontend issues where you have a site that you load in a browser and it doesn't do what you want. You're describing an issue (as far as I can see at least) where VSCode isn't working properly, that's a question for #os-and-tools
ok let me move to there