css `color-mix` not working with paint api.
For some reason I can't seem to use
to set a color for houdini's paint api. Setting a simple color or even a relative color works fine.
Any Idea why color-mix
isn't working for me?
3 Replies
There might be a chance that the color-mix function isnt fully supported in a custom property just yet or has to be done in a specific way (little bit like how url() can be a bit awkward in a custom property if you are using quotations). Have you tried putting the colour mix function inside the paint() to see if it works?
Trying to use it directly in the paint function results in:
The value provided ('color-mix(in oklab, white 75%, black)') could not be parsed as a color.
From inside the paint function, a custom property with a color-mix
value seem to have an unset
value. i.e. properties.get("--squiggly-line-color")
gives CSSUnparsedValue {length: 0}
I can't think of anywork around to get this to work. I don't really want to have to swap out my color-mix
es for static colors.Looks like not supported yet. There's a chrome bug open for
Implement CSS Color 4 and color-mix for Canvas 2D
. While it doesn't specifically mention the paintAPI this is probably still the issue: https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=1416273&q=color-mix&can=2