C#17mo ago

❔ Database

Hi guys! I have a problem. I created a Database with visual studio c#, but when I run the code my database connection close immediately.
5 Replies
Stan17mo ago
Hey, do you get an error or anything? Gonna need a bit more context to know what's going on.
RugjrhOP17mo ago
No,no error I run the app and databse connection close ...
Stan17mo ago
Could you provide some code? Most likely the connection is closing prematurely somewhere or never opening, but yeah its a bit hard to know what's going on without more info.
Sunny9917mo ago
A screenshot error is needed to know what actually happened. If the server side is properly connected well, then it shouldn't close
Accord17mo ago
Was this issue resolved? If so, run /close - otherwise I will mark this as stale and this post will be archived until there is new activity.

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