Sage with Oni Katana
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21 Replies
Oh- the quality :BreachDownvote:

Thank u :OmenLove:
damnnn, thats so good

I actually fixed the colors of her clothes and, especially, her face and hands

it was very muddy before-
agressive colors, idk
Looks really cool, I ain't gonna lie
I would just put some bounce light (or a secondary light source or a rim light)to make her stand out more
Thank you, I'll try! I was trying to figure out how to make it pop out, but didn't think about rim light (and I really like doing rim light in my drawings :SageBlush:)
Let's try it, I'm sure it will improve your drawing drastically
What do you think? :SageAbility:

Final drawing! :SageAbility: :OmenLove:

Thanks for helping :SprayHeart:
now sage stands out more :Pepebusiness: thats great
:IRUSUPleadingBlob: no problem!
I posted it on my instagram if anyone liked my work and wants to support me:IsoLove: @Maevez_
(idk if in this server i can put a link so I prefer not to break the rules :SprayAllGood:)
Just really awesome!!!
Thank you :JettLove: