How to resolve "Cannot find 'AKMicrophoneTracker' in scope"?

Trying to create app that checks your pitch (from microphone) using AudioKit from, but something ain't working in code. I tried to even use GPT4 to help, but it couldn't figure it out. Keep going circles. Trying to create app that checks your pitch (from microphone) using AudioKit from, but something ain't working in code. I tried to even use GPT4 to help, but it couldn't figure it out. Keep going circles.
// This section imports necessary libraries.
import SwiftUI // Library for building user interfaces on Apple platforms.
import AudioKit // Library for audio processing.

// This is the main content view of your app.
struct ContentView: View {

// This section declares properties that store data for the view.

// 'pitch' holds the detected pitch frequency value.
@State private var pitch: Double = 0.0

// 'isRecording' is a flag that checks whether the microphone is currently recording.
@State private var isRecording = false

// 'mic' is an instance of the AKMicrophoneTracker class from AudioKit which tracks microphone input.
private var mic: AKMicrophoneTracker!

// This is the initializer for the ContentView.
// It's called when an instance of ContentView is created.
init() {
// Here, the microphone tracker is initialized.
mic = AKMicrophoneTracker()

// The 'body' property defines the user interface for this view.
var body: some View {
VStack {
// This is a text label that displays the detected pitch.
Text("Pitch: \(pitch, specifier: "%.2f") Hz")
.padding() // Adds padding around the text.

// This is a button the user can tap to start or stop recording.
Button(action: {
// This checks if it's currently recording.
if self.isRecording {
// If so, it stops the microphone tracker.
} else {
// Otherwise, it starts the microphone tracker.
// The 'isRecording' flag is toggled to its opposite value.
}) {
// This displays the button's label, which changes based on whether it's recording.
Text(isRecording ? "Stop Recording" : "Start Recording")
// This section repeatedly fetches the frequency from the microphone tracker every 0.1 seconds.
// and updates the 'pitch' property with the detected frequency.
.onReceive(Timer.publish(every: 0.1, on: .main, in: .common).autoconnect()) { _ in
self.pitch = self.mic.frequency

// This section provides a preview of the ContentView for the Xcode canvas.
struct ContentView_Previews: PreviewProvider {
static var previews: some View {
// This section imports necessary libraries.
import SwiftUI // Library for building user interfaces on Apple platforms.
import AudioKit // Library for audio processing.

// This is the main content view of your app.
struct ContentView: View {

// This section declares properties that store data for the view.

// 'pitch' holds the detected pitch frequency value.
@State private var pitch: Double = 0.0

// 'isRecording' is a flag that checks whether the microphone is currently recording.
@State private var isRecording = false

// 'mic' is an instance of the AKMicrophoneTracker class from AudioKit which tracks microphone input.
private var mic: AKMicrophoneTracker!

// This is the initializer for the ContentView.
// It's called when an instance of ContentView is created.
init() {
// Here, the microphone tracker is initialized.
mic = AKMicrophoneTracker()

// The 'body' property defines the user interface for this view.
var body: some View {
VStack {
// This is a text label that displays the detected pitch.
Text("Pitch: \(pitch, specifier: "%.2f") Hz")
.padding() // Adds padding around the text.

// This is a button the user can tap to start or stop recording.
Button(action: {
// This checks if it's currently recording.
if self.isRecording {
// If so, it stops the microphone tracker.
} else {
// Otherwise, it starts the microphone tracker.
// The 'isRecording' flag is toggled to its opposite value.
}) {
// This displays the button's label, which changes based on whether it's recording.
Text(isRecording ? "Stop Recording" : "Start Recording")
// This section repeatedly fetches the frequency from the microphone tracker every 0.1 seconds.
// and updates the 'pitch' property with the detected frequency.
.onReceive(Timer.publish(every: 0.1, on: .main, in: .common).autoconnect()) { _ in
self.pitch = self.mic.frequency

// This section provides a preview of the ContentView for the Xcode canvas.
struct ContentView_Previews: PreviewProvider {
static var previews: some View {
Error upon building: Cannot find type 'AKMicrophoneTracker' in scope I'm a total noob, so it must be some silly issue. Would be thankful if anyone could help.
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