Warp Posture Checks with iOS

I'm setting up a Gateway policy which checks compliance in Azure / Intune, and I can't seem to get the Warp client on an iOS test device to perform a posture check. The device is in our Intune environment, and is healthy (compliant). When I review the device in "My Team" it states no checks have been performed yet. Likewise, the posture check output in the Warp client is blank. I have a different MacOS device working fine with the posture checking and Intune. Does anyone know if iOS is a supported platform for posture checks with Azure AD / Intune as a sevice provider?
1 Reply
quietskyOP17mo ago
An update - the device page in "My Teams" did eventually show that the compliance check should be applied to the device, but the returned value from the device is null. I'm getting a Warp compliance check for OS version to work on this device.

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