C#β€’17mo ago

❔ Finding the right algorithm for this task πŸ€”

Hello πŸ‘‹ I'm quite new to C# and still don't know which algorithm is used when, what it does, how is it implemented, etc. I found some programming tasks on the internet and I'd like to learn the algorithms that way. The first task is:
- You receive input in this form:
2 3
1 0 DVI
2 0 SATA
0 1 HDMI
2 2 HDMI
1 3 USB
2 3
1 0 DVI
2 0 SATA
0 1 HDMI
2 2 HDMI
1 3 USB
The context:
There is a room with cables on the ground everywhere. You need to have 2 cables of the same connector type to connect them together. For example: You can connect USB-C with USB-C but you can't connect USB-C with HDMI.
2 3 defines the size of the room (a rectangle). 2 is the length of the rectangle and 3 is the width
For each line in this format:
x y connector type E.g. 1 0 DVI
1 is a point on the coordinate of the rectangle's length and 0 is a point on the width
- All points (connectors) from the input will be on the edges of the rectangle never inside of it.
The goal:
The aim of this program is to find out whether all the cables can be connected together without being crossed. So just imagine the points on the rectangle coordinates. Then connect every TWO points with the same connector with line. Check if the lines don't intersect. If yes, write "It's not possible to connect the cables." If no, write "It's possible to connect the cables."
- I just want to help with what type of algorithm should I use for this task. Just the name is enough, I want to study the algorithm after and then try to code it on my own. Thanks for any help 🫢❀️
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65 Replies
Carly.TeamSailβ€’17mo ago
Search intersecting lines algo
hurikanOPβ€’17mo ago
thanks, I will try to study that
Carly.TeamSailβ€’17mo ago
I guess you could use AABB but its more for 3d i think
JansthcirlUβ€’17mo ago
just to give you a taste, I'm not sure how to solve it either but hopefully this points you in the right direction
No description
hurikanOPβ€’17mo ago
well thank you but this doesn't help me
JansthcirlUβ€’17mo ago
from what I've understood from Bing chat, it seems like your problem is analogous to checking if a graph is planar, so that would solve part of your problem I think
hurikanOPβ€’17mo ago
I just generated code from Bing chat and it doesn't work
JansthcirlUβ€’17mo ago
can you post what it said?
hurikanOPβ€’17mo ago
JansthcirlUβ€’17mo ago
oof that's a lot
hurikanOPβ€’17mo ago
No description
hurikanOPβ€’17mo ago
No description
JansthcirlUβ€’17mo ago
I don't know if you're allowed to from your school but how about we create a Graph class
hurikanOPβ€’17mo ago
it's not a school assignment, so it's fine πŸ˜„
JansthcirlUβ€’17mo ago
I'd start there, given that it's a graph algorithm, it probably makes more sense to use a graph object for it
hurikanOPβ€’17mo ago
I don't know what is a graph object, I'm beginner I know what is class
JansthcirlUβ€’17mo ago
ah hmm, knowing what a class is could help you a lot in programming, they're very commonly used to model systems and a graph you can think of as points that are connected by lines, and the points represent something (like facebook users) and the lines that connect them represent a relationship between them (like friendship or following) I suggest you walk through $helloworld first
hurikanOPβ€’17mo ago
I know what is graph from Math, but I don't know how to code it in c#
JansthcirlUβ€’17mo ago
I'm confident Bing chat will be able to help you there, and much faster than I ever could
hurikanOPβ€’17mo ago
do you think you could code it for me? I need some reference to learn from it, I can learn by thinking about the code. But I can't do that without the code
JansthcirlUβ€’17mo ago
oh Bing chat can give you the code
hurikanOPβ€’17mo ago
but it didn't πŸ™
JansthcirlUβ€’17mo ago
try asking it something along the lines of:
Can you make me a graph class in C# where the vertices represent coordinates with a name and the edges represent a connection between the vertices?
Can you make me a graph class in C# where the vertices represent coordinates with a name and the edges represent a connection between the vertices?
and let me know what code it gave you
hurikanOPβ€’17mo ago
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

class Graph
private Dictionary<string, List<string>> adjacencyList;

public Graph()
adjacencyList = new Dictionary<string, List<string>>();

public void AddVertex(string vertexName, int xCoord, int yCoord)
string vertex = $"{xCoord},{yCoord} ({vertexName})";

if (!adjacencyList.ContainsKey(vertex))
adjacencyList.Add(vertex, new List<string>());

public void AddEdge(string vertex1Name, int vertex1XCoord, int vertex1YCoord, string vertex2Name, int vertex2XCoord, int vertex2YCoord)
string vertex1 = $"{vertex1XCoord},{vertex1YCoord} ({vertex1Name})";
string vertex2 = $"{vertex2XCoord},{vertex2YCoord} ({vertex2Name})";

if (!adjacencyList.ContainsKey(vertex1))
AddVertex(vertex1Name, vertex1XCoord, vertex1YCoord);

if (!adjacencyList.ContainsKey(vertex2))
AddVertex(vertex2Name, vertex2XCoord, vertex2YCoord);


public void PrintGraph()
foreach (var vertex in adjacencyList.Keys)
Console.Write($"{vertex}: ");

foreach (var neighbor in adjacencyList[vertex])
Console.Write($"{neighbor}, ");

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

class Graph
private Dictionary<string, List<string>> adjacencyList;

public Graph()
adjacencyList = new Dictionary<string, List<string>>();

public void AddVertex(string vertexName, int xCoord, int yCoord)
string vertex = $"{xCoord},{yCoord} ({vertexName})";

if (!adjacencyList.ContainsKey(vertex))
adjacencyList.Add(vertex, new List<string>());

public void AddEdge(string vertex1Name, int vertex1XCoord, int vertex1YCoord, string vertex2Name, int vertex2XCoord, int vertex2YCoord)
string vertex1 = $"{vertex1XCoord},{vertex1YCoord} ({vertex1Name})";
string vertex2 = $"{vertex2XCoord},{vertex2YCoord} ({vertex2Name})";

if (!adjacencyList.ContainsKey(vertex1))
AddVertex(vertex1Name, vertex1XCoord, vertex1YCoord);

if (!adjacencyList.ContainsKey(vertex2))
AddVertex(vertex2Name, vertex2XCoord, vertex2YCoord);


public void PrintGraph()
foreach (var vertex in adjacencyList.Keys)
Console.Write($"{vertex}: ");

foreach (var neighbor in adjacencyList[vertex])
Console.Write($"{neighbor}, ");

this is just the graph class?
JansthcirlUβ€’17mo ago
that seems like a good start, I think
hurikanOPβ€’17mo ago
JansthcirlUβ€’17mo ago
I would personally add a few more improvements, but I don't want to write the code myself, so try asking Bing to improve it:
I don't want the coordinates to be included in the string, but they should be part of the representation.
I don't want the coordinates to be included in the string, but they should be part of the representation.
hurikanOPβ€’17mo ago
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

class Vertex
public string Name { get; set; }
public int XCoord { get; set; }
public int YCoord { get; set; }

public Vertex(string name, int xCoord, int yCoord)
Name = name;
XCoord = xCoord;
YCoord = yCoord;

public override string ToString()
return Name;

class Graph
private Dictionary<Vertex, List<Vertex>> adjacencyList;

public Graph()
adjacencyList = new Dictionary<Vertex, List<Vertex>>();

public void AddVertex(Vertex vertex)
if (!adjacencyList.ContainsKey(vertex))
adjacencyList.Add(vertex, new List<Vertex>());

public void AddEdge(Vertex vertex1, Vertex vertex2)
if (!adjacencyList.ContainsKey(vertex1))

if (!adjacencyList.ContainsKey(vertex2))


public void PrintGraph()
foreach (var vertex in adjacencyList.Keys)
Console.Write($"{vertex}: ");

foreach (var neighbor in adjacencyList[vertex])
Console.Write($"{neighbor}, ");

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

class Vertex
public string Name { get; set; }
public int XCoord { get; set; }
public int YCoord { get; set; }

public Vertex(string name, int xCoord, int yCoord)
Name = name;
XCoord = xCoord;
YCoord = yCoord;

public override string ToString()
return Name;

class Graph
private Dictionary<Vertex, List<Vertex>> adjacencyList;

public Graph()
adjacencyList = new Dictionary<Vertex, List<Vertex>>();

public void AddVertex(Vertex vertex)
if (!adjacencyList.ContainsKey(vertex))
adjacencyList.Add(vertex, new List<Vertex>());

public void AddEdge(Vertex vertex1, Vertex vertex2)
if (!adjacencyList.ContainsKey(vertex1))

if (!adjacencyList.ContainsKey(vertex2))


public void PrintGraph()
foreach (var vertex in adjacencyList.Keys)
Console.Write($"{vertex}: ");

foreach (var neighbor in adjacencyList[vertex])
Console.Write($"{neighbor}, ");

JansthcirlUβ€’17mo ago
okay, great, so looking at that code, can you try to explain to me what it does? no need to be very detailed, just tell me what comes to mind
hurikanOPβ€’17mo ago
So, there's some defining of class called Vertex, where it creates some variables like coordinates and name of the vertex then there is class Graph where is some adjacency list, that is probably the connecting between vertices then creating some edge and printing out vertex and it's neighbour sorry i really dont know
JansthcirlUβ€’17mo ago
no worries does this ring a bell at all, like what you learned in maths class?
hurikanOPβ€’17mo ago
well we did graphing in Math linear, quadratic, logarithm, sine, cosine, tangens, cotangens, etc.. but I don't really know how to connect this in programming
JansthcirlUβ€’17mo ago
oooh I see graphs as in functions
hurikanOPβ€’17mo ago
yes do you mean different graphs?
JansthcirlUβ€’17mo ago
okay well, this is a different kind of graph, kind of unfortunate that they have the same name
hurikanOPβ€’17mo ago
how are these graphs called?
JansthcirlUβ€’17mo ago
they're called graphs, and there's a whole discipline of mathematics dedicated to them called 'graph theory' you'll probably need to learn about that a bit before you can understand how to solve this problem
hurikanOPβ€’17mo ago
alright, I'm going to, I really want, but first I would also like to finish the code so I can use it in the future, can we?
JansthcirlUβ€’17mo ago
well, I'm not very good at graph theory myself so I don't think I could help you get working code all the way I'm afraid but you could try asking Bing to make you an algorithm to check if a graph is planar based on that class it's made for you earlier
hurikanOPβ€’17mo ago
@hypersensitive internet denizen oh now I'm starting to find out what graphs are I didn't even know there is this huge area in programming "Graph theory" I will look into that There are some courses and tutorials
JansthcirlUβ€’17mo ago
yup, it started as a thing in maths but it's very useful for programming
hurikanOPβ€’17mo ago
By the way the task we discussed here is from correspondence seminar in which I enrolled There is submission on 27th October I would like to give the code to that website to control, but I can't learn graph theory in 2 days Do you know how could I get the code? you probably don't want to, right?
JansthcirlUβ€’17mo ago
uhh, I have no idea, personally, I'd just try Bing chat or ChatGPT for a while maybe you can learn the essentials of graph theory faster using those only the bits and pieces that you need
hurikanOPβ€’17mo ago
I tried but I never got it to work
JansthcirlUβ€’17mo ago
what did they give you? did you ask for an algorithm to check if a graph was planar?
hurikanOPβ€’17mo ago
JansthcirlUβ€’17mo ago
did you try asking it to give you an algorithm that uses the graph class it generated for you?
hurikanOPβ€’17mo ago
this is what it generated:
hurikanOPβ€’17mo ago
JansthcirlUβ€’17mo ago
did you run it?
hurikanOPβ€’17mo ago
yes, still doesn't work, always outputs "pujde to" even though it should output "ajajaj" pujde to = it 's gonna work ajajaj = oh well/ oops
hurikanOPβ€’17mo ago
this is the right output
No description
hurikanOPβ€’17mo ago
and this program outputs 4 times "pujde to"
JansthcirlUβ€’17mo ago
I'm sorry I can't be of more help
hurikanOPβ€’17mo ago
I understand, never mind
JansthcirlUβ€’17mo ago
all I can say is try get creative in asking questions to ChatGPT maybe it can't solve your problem directly but it could solve parts of your problem I would personally try to ask it the following things: 1. create a ConnectorGraph graph class with the vertices and edges as described 2. create a ConnectorGraphBuilder class that builds all possible graphs given the input (your text files) 3. create a ConnectorGraphChecker class that contains a method to see if a ConnectorGraph is planar
hurikanOPβ€’17mo ago
ok I have one last idea, I will send you the whole assignment translated and you can read through it just for a minute and try to navigate me, please
JansthcirlUβ€’17mo ago
I can't promise you anything, but sure
hurikanOPβ€’17mo ago
Task 1
Euclidean cabling
The darkened room had a very low ceiling, probably only two meters. But it was spacious. Through the piles of boxes and cables, I could see a wall somewhere in the distance, disappearing in a cloud of dust. Around the perimeter of the room were seagulls made of all the materials that hold their shape, and flashing lights from various sources. 12 volt bulbs peeked through the LEDs, and a little further away, the glow of tubes seemed to be coming out. The light of the indicator lights mingled with the glow of seven-segment displays, character LCDs, and character lamps. A CRT monitor stood in the center of the room with a blinking terminal cursor illuminating the dust swirling in the air. As I stood there in awe, I almost didn't register that the door had closed behind me. I was left alone. The darkness and dust engulfed me. The terminal read, "Don't worry, Frodo. The Warden is not evil. He just doesn't know what to do anymore. His power is waning and he can't handle the System anymore. He needs someone young, and he senses hope in you. Terrible things are happening in the System right now. Help me. [Y/n]" I pressed the Y key. "First we need to get the wiring in order. All the devices in the room need to be connected. It doesn't matter how you do it, but each device needs to be connected to one other. But to keep the cables tidy, you can only run them along the ground and they can't cross." I looked around the room. All the devices were around its perimeter, and each device had just one socket to connect it to another. Now I just had to figure out the cables. Fortunately, there were boxes full of them lying around the room. They just weren't in great shape. They had all sorts of terminals and looked like they'd seen the glory days of Fortran. Their insulation was cracked, leaky in many places, and the metal of the cables showed through the holes. But all the cables had one thing in common. They always had the same two terminals.
The first line contains a natural number t (1≀t≀ 1000), which indicates the number of entries that follow. On the first line of each assignment there are three numbers separated by a space: h, w, n (1≀ h≀ 10000, 1≀ w≀ 10000, 1≀ n≀ 40000). The number h denotes the length of the room, w denotes the width of the room and n denotes the number of devices. This is followed by n rows of information about each device. Each line contains three spaces separated by y, z,c (a number, a numeral and a string of letters) (0 ≀ y ≀ h, 0 ≀ x ≀ w, 1 ≀ |c| ≀ 100). The numbers y and z together denote the location of the device in the room, where y indicates the coordinate relative to the length and Γ¦ relative to the width. The upper left corner corresponds to the coordinate (y, x) = (0,0) and the lower right corner corresponds to the coordinate (y, x) = (h, w). The coordinates are followed by a character string c of length |c|≀ 100 indicating the device connector (i.e. all device names have a maximum of 100 characters). This device can only be connected to one device of the same connector. You can rely on all devices being located only around the perimeter of the room. Thus, formally, for each device at position (y, z), at least one of the following four conditions: y = 0, x = 0, y = h, x = w. Further, you can rely on the fact that no two devices are in the same coordinates.
Your task is to report to the output for each of the t assignments if the cables in the room can be connected in such a way that no two cables cross and all devices are connected to one of the devices of the same connector. If this is not possible, report to the output "ajajaj" (in english it means "oh no" or "oops") Input
2 3 4
0 1 DVI
2 0 SATA
2 3 2
1 0 HDMI
2 1 HDMI
2 3 4
0 1 DVI
2 0 SATA
2 3 2
1 0 HDMI
2 1 HDMI
Output ajajaj pujde to (in english this means "it will work", it's possible to connect the cables without crossing) 2nd Input
2 3 4
1 3 VGA
0 1 VGA
2 0 USB-A
2 3 4
0 1 USB-C
2 2 USB-C
2 3 4
1 3 VGA
0 1 VGA
2 0 USB-A
2 3 4
0 1 USB-C
2 2 USB-C
Output pujde to ajajaj
JansthcirlUβ€’17mo ago
@hurikan any luck so far?
hurikanOPβ€’17mo ago
no I'm lost
MODiXβ€’17mo ago
I would personally try to ask it the following things: 1. create a ConnectorGraph graph class with the vertices and edges as described 2. create a ConnectorGraphBuilder class that builds all possible graphs given the input (your text files) 3. create a ConnectorGraphChecker class that contains a method to see if a ConnectorGraph is planar
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