✅ Reading matricies to an output file
I am trying to read the data inside two matricies from an input file firstly in order to add them together and display the result to the output file. Before I get to that, I am struggling trying to get the program to read each row and column. Here's the block of code with my errors
I have a red line where it says " a[rowIndex, j] = int.Parse(nextLine[j]); and the error reads "Cannot apply indexing [] to an expression of type "Matrix.Matricies."
5 Replies
ok so i’ve gotta rid of the red line, but now it’s u def the “int.Parse(nextLine[j])” except i replaced the Parce() with Convert.ToUint32
is a what?
data is what?This usually works well enough for me:
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- otherwise I will mark this as stale and this post will be archived until there is new activity.Unknown User•16mo ago
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