Cloudflare blocking discord

Does anyone know how to contact cloudflare regarding ratelimiting/blocking on a venue? I'm currently competing in ECSC and apparently cloudflare has blocked discord for the entire venue.
4 Replies
Hello, I’m Allie!
Like, you are seeing a Cloudflare-branded block page when trying to access ?
RaptorJesusOP17mo ago
No, we can access discord however we can't do anything on there. After reading the discord rate limit documentation and logs from our discord bot, we concluded that we hitting the invalid request limit (which discord calls "cloudflare bans")
zegevlier17mo ago
You would need to contact Discord for this. Cloudflare doesn't change costumer's configurations
Hello, I’m Allie!
Those Rate Limits, while enforced by Cloudflare, are controlled by Discord

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