Pseudo element not going behind parent element using z-index Hi in this codepen i am trying to create number 1. i want the pseudo element to go behind the .number div but i am not able to achieve that. can anyone explain how stacking context is working here.
5 Replies
AimalQazi#992•17mo ago
solved just use this css to make number 1 .number::before { content: ""; width: 25px; height: 40px; background-color: white; position: absolute; left: -18px; top: 2px; transform: rotate(50deg); border-radius: 3px; z-index: -10; }
Jus Sus || 💀
Jus Sus || 💀OP•17mo ago
@AimalQazi#992 but i want pseudo element to be behind .number div , so that i can create that shadow effect on "1"
No description
AimalQazi#992•17mo ago
if you want to make this use z-index to the pesudo-element to number 1 and use inner-shadow to the pesudo element can you provide code
Chris Bolson
Chris Bolson•17mo ago
try creating a new stacking context on the number parent container, i.e. the "center". If you give the ".center" selector a z-index: 1 and remove the z-index: 0 from your ".number" selector you should get closer to what you want.

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