`TPixel` (which `pixel` is) has no `FromBgra4444`
(which pixel
is) has no FromBgra4444
11 Replies
i have brain damage that wont work
what from methods does TPixel have?
not enough
one would say
ah dang yeah nothing there gonna help much
does C# have a builtin "reverse bits of this number" anywhere
bits? i dont think so
theres reverseendianness
in binaryprimitives
but i think thats just byte order not bit order
ye thats only byte order
i need to do stuff like packed BGRA4444 -> ARGB4444
b = (byte)((b * 0x0202020202 & 0x010884422010) % 1023); this came up in a quick search but i dont even remotely understand it
thats one byte
i need for larger integer types
do that for each byte and then reverseendianness