Which of these shirts to keep?

I'm going to keep two of these four button-down collar dress shirts I got at a sale from Brooks Brothers earlier this month, but can't decide which two—any suggestions? In each photo, the one on the left is poplin and the one on the right is Oxford cloth
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3 Replies
Benji17mo ago
What climate do you live in?
bishopcorrigan17mo ago
The colors of these are really hard to discern given the white balance is so different on them Can you take close ups of the fabric to get better color?
pangram17mo ago
^^ i think i remember hearing once that if you add a piece of white printer paper to the shot it'll help the camera balance? it also looks like you turned on an overhead light with a yellow tone for the second shot. either way, i think what's more important than getting the colors right is where you think it fits in your closet—do you have jackets/sweaters/ties/pants that will work color-wise with all of them? does any color feel like it's branching out for your taste? if you flip a coin, would you feel particularly sad parting with any of them? in this context, i can only tell you my opinion, and that's largely based on what i like/what would work in my closet (lol)

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