β need help!! (very very new to c#)
hello! for my assignment, my teacher has asked that we keep track of values assigned to a double except it's in a loop so the value in question is constantly being replaced, not stored. does anyone know how i'm meant to store (not completely replace) the double's value without using arrays as we haven't learned those yet?
6 Replies
it's not clear exactly what's expected from the assignment
what specifically needs to be tracked?
hello! so for my assignment i'm being asked to create a simple program (in a while loop) that asks for a bunch of racing lap times and then i'm meant to output the average, min, max, total
okay, that makes sense because you don't need to store the original values to compute those
you just need 4 variables to store those specific things and for the most part update them inside the loop
ohh okay thanks so much!
Unknown Userβ’15mo ago
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