Alokai17mo ago

Issue with getProductTemplateListQuery after change from ProductFilterInput to ProductFilterInputExt

I've run into an issue after updating my Vue Storefront Odoo integration. In the getProductTemplateListQuery, I noticed that the ProductFilterInput was changed to ProductFilterInputExtended. Originally, my query looked like this: export default gql query( $filter: ProductFilterInput $currentPage: Int $pageSize: Int = 0 $search: String $sort: ProductSortInput ) { products( filter: $filter currentPage: $currentPage pageSize: $pageSize search: $search sort: $sort ) { totalCount attributeValues { id name displayType name htmlColor search attribute{ id name } } products { ${productFragment} } } } ; Now, when using useFacet to fetch products, I'm encountering errors, likely because of the filter input type change. Could someone guide me on how to update my code to work with ProductFilterInputExtended? Additionally, if there are any other nuances or differences introduced with ProductFilterInputExtended that I should be aware of, please let me know. Thank you for your assistance!
1 Reply
skirianov17mo ago
Hi! Could you please provide your vsf version and integration I’ll try to help

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