C#2y ago

❔ ✅ Trying to sort and display data in datagridview

Currently i can sort the data but it only displays the last row of data because of the for loop but im unsure of how to make it display all the rows with the certain value that it is searching for private void Loaddata() { for (int x = 0; x < Classes.Access.StaffDetails.StaffIDList.Count; x++) { findstaffID = Classes.Access.StaffDetails.StaffIDList[x].StaffID; using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(Classes.SystemClass.DBConnection.cs)) { string sqlQuery = string.Format("SELECT * FROM Staff WHERE StaffID = '{0}'", findstaffID); SqlCommand Select = new SqlCommand(sqlQuery, connection); SqlDataAdapter adapter = new SqlDataAdapter(Select); DataSet set = new DataSet(); adapter.Fill(set); StaffDataGridView.DataSource = set.Tables[0]; } } }
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4 Replies
WilliamoOP2y ago
only displays one row !close
Accord2y ago
Jimmacle2y ago
i know you closed this but you should use parameterized SQL queries instead of string formatting, you're creating a SQL injection vulnerability in your code
Accord2y ago
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