CSS Media Query not Overriding
I have this problem where my media query on specific screen size is not overriding. When I open mg dev tools, there's a strikethrough on my style even though I have the same screen size. I don't understand why there's a strikethrough, I would appreciate any help. Thanks!

4 Replies
it has to do with the order of the media query in your style.css
first you do a media query with max width 1199px (line 916), but after that you override it to 1399.98 (line 946)
so you have two options, change the order, or declare a more specific range with a min and max width
It works, thank you so much! I didn't know the order would matter, I thought that it would prioritize the screen resolution. Thanks again!
Just as an example
500px is less than 1199px, but it's also less than 1399.98 px.
So wich should it pick? Well, there the order comes in.
Ohh, it makes sense now. Thank you!