Two column layout using four divs
I'm looking for suggestions on how to create the layout attached. Ordinarily this wouldn't cause too many issues. However, I am unable to change the markup and hence need to make this responsive with the following markup.
I've been playing and my attempt is in the codepen below…
The main issue with this version is, the right hand divs equal the height of the left column. Hence gaps. The right hand divs need to be the height of the content. Second problem is the center line, not sure this can be achieved using Grid.
Would flex be a better option? That will probably present new issues?

7 Replies
without even needing media queries
Great thanks. Any thoughts on the boarder in the middle?
ah, i forgot about that. yea, then a media query would be usefull after all.
Awesome 🙌 Thank you
you can also do it with css columns btw. maybe even easier
Of course! Completely forgot about css columns. Thanks again, plenty of options, don't know why they didn't occur to me beforehand